If your internet is not working or you are experiencing slower speeds than normal, please follow these steps before calling our office.
*Please do NOT press the reset button on your router – If the reset button has been pressed there will be a $75 charge to reprogram the equipment. You will also be without internet service until a service technician is available to service your address.*
Your Wi-Fi router should look like this:

You should also have a power supply, typically located closer to the floor, it could be white or black but both would similarly look like:

Now that you know what your devices look like, here are the steps to reboot your devices:
* Please do NOT press the reset button on your router *
- Shut down all devices connected to the internet (computers, cell phones, etc.)
- Gently unplug the power cords for both the HAP router and the power supply from the wall. Please do not unplug cat5 cords to be sure nothing is plugged back in incorrectly.
- Wait a full 5 minutes. Failure to wait 5 minutes may not allow all devices to fully lose power and reboot correctly.
- Plug the power cords back into the outlet.
- Wait 5 minutes for power to restore.
- Start up your devices and test your Wi-Fi connection.
If you are still experiencing some issues, please call our office and speak with our technical support line at:
You can call 24/7 and leave a message – We will respond as soon as possible within business hours.
We want to be sure that:
1) You get the service you are supposed to get and
2) That any problems get fixed ASAP
Thank you again and have a super-fast internet day!